Engage and Support More Students with CAT Impact

CAT Impact is a collection of special features and services designed to enhance your CourseLeaf academic catalog, making it even more engaging and impactful for current and prospective students. Choose the features that are the most appealing to your institution. You can add them to your catalog during initial development or at any time in the future!
CAT Impact options include -
- Enhanced Design: Create a catalog that is even more engaging for students with some help from our team of design experts. We can add additional page templates to your baseline software and promo blocks that provide space to promote institutional selling points or the latest news. View some examples of our Enhanced Design options in these academic catalogs - University of Alabama, MIT, Kent State University, and Iowa State University.
- Page Filters: Make program navigation even easier for your students by adding page filters. Identify the pages you want to include, filtering categories and logic, and images. This feature is commonly shown as graphic tiles that represent programs or departments, showing only the tiles that match a student's filtering criteria. View some examples of our Page Filters in these academic catalogs - Saint Louis University and the University of New Hampshire.
- Career Data Integration: Help students identify career paths that are in demand and align with their interests by adding career data to your academic catalog. Our integration with Lightcast (formerly EMSI and Burning Glass) or the Department of Labor can make it easier for students to pursue their passion. View some examples of our Career Data Integration in these academic catalogs - Citrus College, Kent State University, and City Colleges of Chicago.
- Guided Pathways: Having Guided Pathways in your academic catalog can provide some additional support to your academic advisors and help students complete their degree on time. View some examples of our Guided Pathways in these academic catalogs - Cuyahoga Community College and San Jacinto College.
With CAT Impact, your campus can:
- Attract more students with an engaging catalog that showcases your institutional brand
- Guide students to graduation with easy-to-navigate program filters, career data, and Guided Pathways
- Save staff time by leveraging the design and development expertise at CourseLeaf