Fewer hours spent on academic scheduling
Creating a campus schedule involves much more than slotting courses into open spots. It’s about developing a timetable that boosts the chance that students can secure the right classes for on-time completion—all while juggling institutional rules.
CourseLeaf CLSS academic scheduling software gives you the power to centralize and easily manage your course schedule across departments while maximizing class placement to drive student success. When paired with our room and event scheduling partners via integration, CLSS software offers the most robust scheduling option available.
Fewer hours spent on academic scheduling
System-wide content accuracy
Schedules that adhere to campus policies
Optimized class placement for student needs
CLSS visualization tools break down your course schedule into manageable pieces. One glance can tell you how courses are distributed throughout the week. To dig deeper, simply filter by instructor, meeting pattern, and/or course to check for inconsistencies or compliance issues. Graphic cues draw attention to potential conflicts and offer color-coded views of course distribution to create a balanced schedule.
You’ve set scheduling rules for a reason, and CLSS makes it simple to validate that departments comply. From meeting patterns to faculty schedules, your institution’s custom scheduling rules and guidelines can be incorporated into CLSS, including specific rules for certain departments and classes.
CLSS can transform data into customized reports to help you make smarter scheduling decisions next semester. Pull information about Course Demand, space utilization, peak times, and scheduling conflicts to see where there may be room for improvement.
Faculty and staff can learn to use CLSS quickly to collaborate on class schedules, propose new courses, and slot them into meeting times. Intuitive editing, review, and approval tools make schedule validation quick and easy; users instantly see errors so they can make adjustments.
With CLSS, you have complete jurisdiction over course schedules, selecting who participates in each stage of the process while allowing individual departments access. Administrators can easily approve or reject updates from departments and make exceptions to scheduling rules when needed.
Once the schedule is approved and complete, your work is done! CLSS can automatically share the information with your student information system (SIS) via our advanced bi-directional integration. It also offers an easy integration with room and event scheduling software and allows you to publish schedules to your website, save as spreadsheets, and save in PDFs.
Searching for a solution that includes room and event scheduling? CourseLeaf integrates with CollegeNET 25Live or Accruent EMS room and event scheduling providers to offer a comprehensive scheduling system that is far more robust than any all-in-one option on the market. Collectively, these solutions provide the best scheduling capabilities and data tools to drive faculty satisfaction, optimized facility usage, and a stronger return on investment!
From Homegrown Struggles to Scheduling Success with CourseLeaf CLSS
SUNY Morrisville Switches to CourseLeaf after Competitor Fails to Deliver
Reducing Schedule Changes by 65% with CourseLeaf CLSS
Quite simply, we love CourseLeaf.
— George Mason University
We are so happy that we found CourseLeaf and that we no longer have to deal with lackluster service.
— SUNY Morrisville
It’s one of the best investments we have made as an institution.
— Lorain County Community College
We have never regretted choosing CourseLeaf products. No other company compares.
— St. Louis Community College
CourseLeaf technology was miles ahead of the competition.
— Lorain County Community College
CourseLeaf products have greatly improved our institutional processes and information integrity.
— Eastern Washington University
CourseLeaf is a game changer for curriculum.
— St. Louis Community College
CourseLeaf CLSS has revolutionized scheduling at UVU.
— Utah Valley University
CourseLeaf CLSS has helped us to shorten our semester schedule build timeline by roughly six months.
— SUNY Morrisville
CourseLeaf software has made our job in the Registrar's Office much easier and the modules get rave reviews from our end-users!
— Towson University
CourseLeaf PATH has transformed the way our students and advisors discover and select course offerings.
— Brown University
A student finding their academic passion or a life-changing program will be the impact of CourseLeaf PATH.
— University of Pennsylvania
When we signed up with CourseLeaf, we were looking for an integrated catalog and curriculum solution with intuitive functioning, online approval processes, and strong customer service support. And that’s exactly what we got.
— Citrus College
Skidmore students are better informed and better equipped to succeed with CourseLeaf.
— Skidmore College
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